A woman going to work by bicycle and with a 头盔 on her head

骑自行车上班? 提高通勤安全


骑自行车或 电动自行车 as an alternative to driving to work can provide much needed fresh air and exercise. It can even save you money by reducing gas and other expenses. Before you start commuting by bicycle, know the rules and risks.

周围 846年骑自行车 每年有多少人死于车祸, according to the National Highway Traffic 安全 Administration. 采取安全预防措施, knowing what to watch out for and educating yourself on the biking 交通规则 is extremely important. T在这里 are several things to keep in mind when taking a bike to work.


Safe biking includes wearing the right clothing and equipment. 确保你有这些东西.

  • 头盔. 一个合适的 头盔 用眼线笔很重要.
  • 基本设备. Make sure your bike is equipped with reflectors, a front headlight and a rear light. 最好有一个闪烁的尾灯. A lock will keep it safe while you're away and a bell could be helpful in congested areas.
  • 服装. Make sure you select appropriate clothing so you can be easily seen when riding. Wear light-colored or reflective clothing to enhance visibility, 尤其是在黄昏和傍晚时分. Never wear clothing items that can get caught in any part of the bicycle such as the spokes or chain. Always tuck and secure shoe laces and pant legs so they don't get caught in your bike chain.
  • 修理设备. 有一个额外的轮胎内胎, a bike pump and a small bag of tools will help if a tire should blow or be damaged.


Plan out and try your riding routes before you start to commute. 选择交通较少、速度较慢的路线. Look for routes with bike lines, bike paths, reliable surfaces and slow to moderate 车辆 traffic. 你最安全的路线可能是完全远离车流.


自我教育 交通规则 自行车和电动自行车. 如果发生事故, the unfortunate reality is that the cyclist is more likely to be injured than the motorist. Knowing and understanding the 交通规则 will keep you safer.


  • 左横. A left cross accident happens when a car heading the opposite direction makes a left turn and doesn't see the cyclist.
  • 右钩拳. A right hook accident is when a car driving the same direction cuts off a cyclist in a right-hand turn.

Also, be sure to know what insurance coverage you have and what they cover in case of an accident. In some states, 状态 Farm® offers a Personal Mobility Policy (PMP).


这是不言而喻的, but don't bike to work if you're planning on attending happy hour or plan to consume alcohol. 酒精会增加发生事故的几率. 近40%的骑车人死亡 是由于酒精损伤吗.

Remember, you can get stopped while riding a bike if you are suspected of being under the 酒精的影响 在大多数州. The term 车辆 can be interpreted to include the use of a bicycle or other form of transportation. Make sure you plan your day accordingly to avoid riding your bike after consuming alcohol.


Preparation and education can help make your bike commute safer. 这里有一些关键的提醒:

  • 提前计划并找到最安全的上班路线.
  • 骑一辆适合你的自行车,这样容易控制.
  • Ride a bike that works well, is maintained and has properly working brakes.
  • 上下班前一定要检查一下轮胎的充气情况.
  • 确保自行车有反光镜和车灯.
  • Never wear headphones, as it is a distraction and hinders your ability to hear and focus.
  • Always lock your bike at your workplace and any place it is unattended.
  • Carry all items in a backpack or strapped to the back of the bike.
  • Tuck and tie your shoe laces and pant legs so they don't get caught in your bike chain.


Commuting via bike or 电动自行车 is increasing in popularity. 驾驶车辆时, make sure you understand and know how to navigate with the bicycling community. 以下是对司机的一些重要提醒:

  • 远离自行车道.
  • 小心缓慢地超过骑自行车的人.
  • 总是给骑自行车的人让路,因为他们有先行权.
  • 总是要注意任何迎面而来的骑自行车的人.
  • 打开车门前先看看有没有自行车或骑自行车的人.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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对许多人来说,开车上班是一件不可避免的坏事. 试试这些在高峰时间导航的提示吧.


一旦孩子学会骑自行车, they can benefit from learning bike safety such as wearing 头盔s, which routes to take and how to “ride right” with the flow of traffic.


夏天是一个有趣的活动和户外活动的季节. Here are some hot weather safety tips to help you make the best of this time.


有没有想过电动自行车是怎么工作的? 我们将介绍电动自行车安全的一些基本知识, including how fast do electric bikes go and how to use an electric bike.

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