

Tips for dealing with extreme humidity.

在家里,高湿度或冷凝可能导致膨胀,腐烂和室内 模具, which could threaten your health. 室外的高温和潮湿可能导致与热有关的疾病,如中暑, heat exhaustion or possible breathing problems.


Indoor humidity tips

According to the 环境保护署,室内相对湿度应在60%以下,以30 - 50%为理想. 控制水分对于减少发生高温的可能性非常重要 indoor 模具.

Effects of high humidity on the body

Breathing difficulties

According to WebMD, humid air is harder to breathe 会加重慢性阻塞性肺病等呼吸疾病. 甚至 asthma can be triggered by thunderstorms or humidity. 湿度也可能捕获污染物,如霉菌、灰尘和尘螨.


当你的家达到理想的湿度水平(低于60%), health issues like allergy and asthma symptoms, bacterial growth, 病毒流行率和呼吸道感染可能会降低. 考虑一下全年保持家中理想的湿度水平.


Inside: 除湿机可以帮助去除家中的湿气,改善家居环境 air quality. 密封空气泄漏,在炉子和烘干机上增加外部通风口也有助于降低湿度. Another 家中常见的湿气来源是地下室. For more ideas on humidity reduction in the home, read these tips.

Outdoors: Check the dew point rather than the humidity level. 如果露点在60或70度,你可能很难冷静下来. To avoid heat-related illness, limit your time outside, stay in the shade whenever possible, 多喝水,穿透气的衣服,如棉质或亚麻布.

Heat related illnesses

炎热有时会以中暑的形式悄悄逼近你, heat rash, heat exhaustion or heat cramps. Here are some things to watch out for:

Heat stroke

中暑发生在人体的热调节系统被过高的热量淹没的时候. 这是危及生命的紧急情况,需要立即就医.

Heat stroke symptoms may include:

  • High body temperature
  • Confusion
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Hot, red or damp skin

Heat stroke treatment 包括拨打911,以及试图通过以下方式降低体温:

  • Getting them to a shady area.
  • 在他们的脖子、腋窝和腹股沟处放置冰袋或凉爽的湿毛巾.
  • Immersing them in cool water.

Heat exhaustion


Heat exhaustion symptoms may include:

  • Cool, moist skin with goose bumps (when in the heat)
  • Dizziness
  • Faintness
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Heavy sweating
  • Low blood pressure upon standing
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Weak, rapid pulse

Heat exhaustion treatments to try:

  • Head inside to a cool location.
  • Rehydrate with cold beverages.
  • See that clothing is loose and lightweight.
  • Use cold, wet towels on your skin.
  • 如果症状加重或持续时间超过一小时,请拨打911.

Heat rash

当皮肤的汗腺被阻塞时,就会出现热疹, 产生的汗液无法到达皮肤表面蒸发.

Heat rash symptoms include:

  • 皮肤上出现类似丘疹的红色小水泡或肿块
  • Itchy or prickling sensation

Heat rash treatment typically consists of:

  • Heading indoors w在这里 it’s cooler/less humid.
  • Wearing lightweight clothing.
  • Keeping the skin cool such as using an ice pack.
  • 在患处使用婴儿爽身粉来帮助吸收汗水和水分(它也可能有助于防止更多的皮疹)。.

Heat cramps


Symptoms of heat cramps include:

  • Muscle pain or spasms
  • Heavy sweating
  • Fatigue

Heat cramp treatments include:

  • Stopping exercise immediately.
  • Hydrating with water or a sports drink.

Whether you are biking to work 或者与朋友和家人一起享受户外活动,请记住:

  • 在你感到口渴之前保持水分是非常重要的.
  • 穿能“呼吸”的棉质和亚麻布衣服能让你感觉更凉爽.
  • 在阴凉处休息或在室内开空调可以帮助远离热疾病.

And don’t forget about your pets and their summer safety.

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