
What is public service loan forgiveness?

If you enter public service, you may qualify to have part of your school loan waived.

支付 大专及大学教育 会有压力和昂贵吗. 鼓励个人在一个 合资格的公营机构 组织及职位, the United 状态s government created the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program as part of the 大学 Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007. The program forgives the remaining balance of certain college loans after a period of time.


Studentaid.政府有一个 PSLF工具 that can help you determine if you qualify. To receive public service loan forgiveness an individual must:

  • 使120准时 按月支付 向你的合资格贷款.
    • 你不能计算延期的时间
    • All payments must have been made after October 1, 2007
  • 全职工作 合格的公共服务机构 while making the qualifying payments and at the time of applying for and receiving loan forgiveness.
  • 偿还贷款 收入驱动还款计划.
  • The loans must not be in default status.


To be eligible for PSLF you need to work full time for an eligible not-for-profit or government organization. Generally, federal, state, local or tribal government agencies are considered. 这也 includes exempt and some non-exempt 501(c)(3) 组织和雇主,例如:

  • 幼儿教育
  • 应急管理
  • 执法
  • 公共教育
  • Public health such as nurses and other health care practitioners
  • Public interest law services such as those funded in whole or part by U.S. federal, state, local or tribal governments
  • 公共安全
  • Public service for individuals with disabilities and the elderly
  • School libraries and school-based services
  • U.S. 军事


The loans must be Federal Direct Loans, specifically: 

  • Federal Direct Stafford or Ford Loans (Direct Subsidized Loans)
  • Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford or Ford Loans (Direct Unsubsidized Loans)
  • 联邦直接附加贷款
  • 联邦直接合并贷款

其他贷款, such as Federal 家庭 Education Loan (FFEL) Program loans, 联邦珀金斯贷款, and certain health professions or nursing loans can qualify if you consolidate them into a Direct Consolidation Loan.


一旦你有资格,我 Employment Certification for Public Service Loan Forgiveness form 可以提交,而美国.S. Department of Education will let you know what else is needed

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