
Get the facts about disability insurance


Most people never anticipate becoming disabled. 但如今,20岁的年轻人在达到退休年龄之前,有四分之一的机会因残疾至少缺勤一年, according to the Council for Disability Awareness. 此外,虽然许多人认为他们成为残疾的可能性很小,但现实是 26% of adult Americans live with disabilities. Disability and family finances are inherently intertwined.

残疾的原因和其持续时间一样多种多样:需要住院的伤害是短期的, for example, 或者从事故或使人衰弱的疾病中长期恢复. Whatever the cause or length, 残疾有可能对任何家庭的经济状况产生负面影响. 以下是你需要了解的残疾对经济的影响,以及你可以做些什么来保护自己.

What is disability insurance?

残疾pp王者电子官网是指当雇员因疾病或致残而无法工作时,代替部分收入的pp王者电子官网. 残疾pp王者电子官网提供的福利平均覆盖至 60% of an employee's salary.

How does disability insurance work?

通常残疾pp王者电子官网是你(pg电子官方网页版)和pp王者电子官网公司之间的协议. 你每月支付,如果你患有残疾,导致你不能工作, the insurance company agrees to pay you a monthly amount. The policy will explain details like the monthly premium, 涵盖的内容和限制(如执行其他类型的工作), the monthly benefit amount and the length of the benefit.

Types of disability insurance

There are two basic types of policies: short term disability and long term disability.

  • Short term disability insurance: 顾名思义,这种pp王者电子官网弥补六个月或更短时间内的收入损失. 它通常在你耗尽了其他工作福利(如带薪休假和病假)后开始出现.
  • Long term disability insurance: 如果你的残疾持续时间更长,你就需要转到长期残疾. This policy pays a portion of your income, typically 50% to 80%, up to a maximum, for periods of a few years or until retirement, depending on the type of policy you have

Do you need disability insurance?

In an average year, about 5% of Americans will experience a short term disability of six months or less. 几乎所有这些残疾都是非职业性的. 大多数美国人还没有准备好面对没有薪水的一年. According to a study by the Federal Reserve, 35% of U.S. 成年人无法在不负债的情况下支付400美元的紧急开支, borrowing from friends or family or selling off possessions.

Disability and income

Bankruptcy due to medical bills

According to the Council for Disability Awareness在美国,一项对消费者破产申请的研究显示,超过77家美国企业破产.8%申请破产的人将失去收入作为破产的原因. And 44.其中3%的人表示,由于医疗原因,他们失去了工作收入.

Social security disability

残疾意识理事会也指出,一个成功的 Social Security Disability Insurance claim can mean a long stretch without income, as claims generally take three to five months to be approved. 到2021年,平均每年的福利为15,348美元(远低于最低工资标准) poverty line for a two-person household.)至少有5100万在职的美国成年人除了社会保障之外没有任何残疾pp王者电子官网.

Buy at work or on your own

以工作为基础的伤残pp王者电子官网购买方便,费用也相当合理. 缺点是:pp王者电子官网范围可能不便携,如果你换了工作,你可能不得不放弃它. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 只有35%的文职工人能够获得长期残疾pp王者电子官网,只有40%的工人能够获得短期残疾pp王者电子官网.

个人伤残pp王者电子官网政策可能更灵活,给你更多的选择. It stays in place no matter how often you change jobs, 你可以选择你想要pp王者电子官网的时间段.

Not all policies are available in every state. Talk to your State Farm® 关于如何协调短期和长期政策,保护你的收入.

本文中的信息来自与State Farm无关的各种来源® (包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
Bloomington, IL

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