A gentleman doing gardening and enjoying his retirement.

Important things to understand about retirement savings

Make a retirement savings plan and revisit it regularly to stay on track.

退休 may feel like a distant goal for most of your life. 但你是否只是 开始你的事业 或者离大日子不远了, t在这里 are steps you can take to improve your financial situation in retirement. 以下是一些需要记住的事情:

How much you need to save will depend on your retirement lifestyle

你对生活的看法和 生活水平 in retirement has a direct impact on the income you'll need to generate during your golden years. 例如, a plan to travel extensively is likely more expensive than a retirement spent relaxing in a lakeside cabin and will require you to save more. If you can't save enough for the retirement you envision, you may need to rework that vision.


You can't go back in time, so your strategy has to be based on w在这里 you are today. Take a realistic look at your current financial situation, 包括所有的储蓄和债务, as well as any life and disability insurance policies you carry. 你可以使用我们的工具 退休的计算器 看看你是否在正轨上. Even better, a financial professional can help you refine your goals and create a detailed plan.


一些公司提供 401k匹配计划 in which the employer may match all of or a percentage of your 401k contributions. Meaning for every dollar you put away, the company (wholly or partially) matches that contribution. Make sure you're contributing the maximum amount required to take full advantage of this program — if not, 你失去了免费的钱.


Much debate exists about when to take social security benefits. It's possible to start taking social security benefits as early as age 62, rather than at full retirement age (which varies depending on when you were born) or even later. 如果你选择提前领取福利, the monthly payment is less than if you chose to begin claiming benefits later. 这取决于你的预期寿命和其他因素, it may make sense to delay taking your social security benefits for as long as possible to maximize your benefit. 例如, 根据目前的数字, delaying social security benefits until the age of 70 could result in a 永久福利增加32% 比你在完全退休年龄的时候要多.


因为复合增长, even a small increase of one or two percent in savings each year can add up over the long term. If you're close to retirement, catch-up contributions can also help boost your savings rate. 如果你要离职,考虑一下 转到你的401k账户 而不是套现. This can be an essential step in building retirement savings.


Getting rid of high-interest debt like credit card balances can free up room in your budget to save more. 在退休前还清债务, you won't have to factor loan payments into your retirement expenses.


检讨你的退休计划 at least annually to make sure they still work for you. Keep in mind that you may need to make adjustments if your life changes — such as after you get married or have a baby — or if your health changes. 如果需要, you may want to consider working a little longer to make your retirement savings more secure.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

Neither 状态 Farm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.




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准备退休? 要问的问题

As you near retirement, it's important to review your plan and make sure you're financially prepared.


你知道你需要存钱,但要存多少? 估计你未来的退休收入.


Understanding the rollover process will help you continue to execute your retirement plan and build your savings.

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